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Decisions published

22/01/2024 - To terminate participation of Forge Community Partnership, effective 31 March 2020. ref: 419    Recommendations Approved

As a result of the Admission Agreement between BMBC, Forge Community Partnership, and SYPA terminating, and in accordance with the statutory requirement under the LGPS Regulations 2013, SYPA has commissioned the actuary to the Fund to undertake an assessment of liabilities upon crystallisation of the Agreement (a “termination certificate”). As BMBC acted as a full guarantor to the admission all assets and liabilities are subsumed by BMBC.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Pensions

Decision published: 08/04/2024

Effective from: 22/01/2024


To terminate participation of Forge Community Partnership, effective 31 March 2020.

Lead officer: Katherine Morrison