Agenda item

Funding Strategy Statement Consultation and relevant policies


J. Bailey delivered a report to seek the Board’s views on the Funding Strategy Statement and associated policies as part of a wider consultation with stakeholders.


A draft new FSS will shortly be issued to employers for formal consultation.


The main substantive change is a proposal to move to Pass Through arrangements for contractors, which has already been discussed by the Board. Beyond this significant work has been undertaken to make the document more comprehensible and user friendly.


In response to a query confirmation was given in the FSS that individual academies within multi academy trusts, can retain their individual contribution rates if they wish to do so, although the default position is for multi academy trusts to have pooled rates.


The consultation period is usually 6 weeks, but this can be extended in certain circumstances.


G. Graham advised the Board it was the intention to take the final version to the Authority meeting in December.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and members would pass any comments directly to officers.


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