Issue - meetings

Responsible Investment Update

Meeting: 26/03/2024 - Border to Coast Joint Committee (Item 8)

8 Responsible Investment Update pdf icon PDF 130 KB


Sally Ronald presented a report providing the Committee with an update on the Responsible Investment activity undertaken by the Company on behalf of Partner Funds over the period since the last meeting.


Particular reference was made to engagement supporting priority themes, the ongoing work to prepare for the voting season and consultations related to responsible investment.


Members discussed the importance of communications with Pension Committees and ensuring that the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill does not erode local input into responsible investment activities.


It was noted that further information around the Bill would be made available from LAPFF and SAB.


Engagement with key banks was discussed, looking at existing collaborative systems. Measuring the success of the RI policy was also discussed with an option for case studies to be presented at future meetings.


The Committee noted and congratulated Border to Coast on the achievements set out in the report:


·        Pensions for Purpose - Paris Alignment Award – Best Climate Change Policy Statement.


·        Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment outcomes


·        Retention of signatory status to the UK Stewardship Code



RESOLVED– To note the contents of the report.