Issue - meetings

Review Terms of Reference and Work Cycle

Meeting: 14/03/2024 - South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (Item 17)

17 Procurement Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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The Team Leader – Governance presented the Authority’s Procurement Forward Plan 2024 to 2026 presented at Appendix A. The Authority has never previously had a separate procurement plan, and this was highlighted by the Internal Audit Team when looking at procedures. Although there are processes in place for financial and strategic planning, having this procurement plan will strengthen the Authority’s procedures and will be brought to the Board annually for approval at the February meeting. 

Members questioned whether the Authority had a Responsible Procurement Policy.

The Assistant Director – Resources responded that there is no specific separate policy for responsible procurement, however when conducting evaluations of procurements and tenders dependent on the nature of the procurement sustainability and social value would be considered.

RESOLVED: Members approved the Procurement Forward Plan 2024 to 2026 presented at Appendix A.