Issue - meetings

Risk Register

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - South Yorkshire Local Pension Board (Item 13)

13 Risk Register Update pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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The Team Leader – Governance presented the Risk Register update giving members the opportunity to review the updated Risk Register which supports the Corporate Strategy.


Risk Management Training was delivered in September to the Senior Management Team and Middle Managers as part of the plan to introduce the next operational layer of the risk register. As a result of the training some changes have been made to the format of the risk register to facilitate implementing this on Pentana.

The following changes have been made to risks:


·         G3 was a risk arising from the COVID-19 Lockdown therefore this score has been reduced from a 6 to a 4 and will be removed from the next version of the Risk Register.

·         I1 was reduced from a score of 12 to 9 which is the target score, this risk will remain on the register to show this is continually monitored.

·         P2 has now been removed as this was regarding a vacancy within SMT which has now been filled by the new Assistant Director – Pensions.

·         P3 ‘Single point of failure due to unexpected vacancies or long-term absence/s in specialist knowledge roles’ was a new risk added to the register.

The latest version of the Risk Management framework was approved at the Audit and Governance Committee in December.


Members asked whether Pentana was now fully operational.


The Team Leader – Governance responded that some progress has been made but the team have had to refocus on other priorities due to not having the capacity in the team to get it up and running, however this is a priority for the next quarter.


The Director followed up that Pentana is a priority for several reasons and is aware the Authority has not delivered to timeframe due to capacity issues in the team.


However, a recent appointment of a Governance Officer will help with this, and the Risk Register is now much stronger and has been significantly developed following the review, it is now just a case of getting the tools in place.


RESOLVED: Members a) Noted and commented upon the revised corporate Risk Register at Appendix A and b) noted the updated Risk Management Framework at Appendix B.