Issue - meetings

Pay Policy Statement

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (Item 12)

12 Pay Policy Statement 2024 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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The Assistant Director – Resources presented the Pay Policy Statement 2024 for approval. The Authority are required to produce this annually, and the statement reflects the Pay Award for 2023/24 and the impact of the outcomes from the Pay and Benefits Review which was approved last October.


This has had a positive impact on the metric showing the ratio of the highest paid role in the organisation to the lowest paid role which has reduced from 6.1 times to 5.6 times which remains well below the Hutton reviews finding that the highest paid shouldn’t be no more than 20 times the lowest paid.


The pay grading included in the statement will require updating for any pay award agreed for 2024/25. This is published on the website so is viewable to the public.


Members probed around the Hybrid Working Policy and if there are any penalties for staff members who are unable to attend the office 2 days per week, due to how this may affect performance. 


The Assistant Director – Resources responded that full time staff are required to attend the office 2 days per week and part time staff 1 day per week.


There are on occasion times when individuals are unable to attend the office such as for a medical issue, however they can still perform by working from home and deliver using the technology available.


This is always temporary, and their line manager and HR will work with the individual to ensure a return to the office. As an organisation we place importance on office attendance alongside the flexibility of being able to work from home.


RESOLVED: Members approved the revised Pay Policy Statement at Appendix A.