Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Transformation

Meeting: 14/12/2023 - South Yorkshire Pensions Audit & Governance Committee (Item 9)

9 Internal Audit Transformation - Presentation


S Bradley delivered a presentation to update members on the review of the current service and explain the new structure and changes to be put in place. She explained that the terminology of internal audit and ant fraud will be replaced by the terminology of a Corporate Assurance Team.

Members were advised that one of the key changes will be a greater focus on strategic objectives and risks, but still with an opportunity to review operational areas if issues are highlighted as part of the strategic reviews.

Members questioned if there should be any concern that previous reviews hadn’t been carried out correctly. S Bradley explained that the reviews have been completed in line with the strategy but there has traditionally been a focus on discreet functional areas whereas the new approach will see a shift towards a more overarching review from a risk and governance perspective.

Members also commented on the reduction staff and question future capacity of the team. It was confirmed that there would be no reduction in the service provided to SYPA and much of the resourcing issues linked to other external bodies.

RESOLVED: Members received and noted the presentation.