Issue - meetings

Q1 Performance Report

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (Item 9)

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The Assistant Director – Resources and Head of Finance presented the Q1 Corporate Performance Report for members to consider and approve.


Key areas for consideration were highlighted to members who raised a number of questions.


Members queried the new risk added to the strategic risk register in relation to the pensions administration backlog and asked what the root cause of the issue was.


Assurance was also sought that staff sickness was being monitored with rigour and appropriate measures put in place to manage.


In response the Director explained that this type of backlog is not unusual, with other Administering Authorities having similar issues, however the issue still needs addressing. A detailed analysis of the pensions administration workload has taken place and identified the need for additional staff and also highlighted the imbalance of the workforce with more experienced pensions practitioners required to assess the more complex cases. It was confirmed that these issues will be addressed as part of the report to be presented to the Staffing Committee in October.


The Assistant Director - Resources confirmed that staff sickness levels are still relatively low compared to pre covid levels. Assurance was given that sickness is monitored rigorously in line with the Managing Attendance Policy and that the HR Business Partner works closely with all managers to support this process.


It was explained that staff working from home seems to have reduced the sickness levels along with working creatively with hybrid working and the flexi scheme.


Members also questioned if the Authority is using more agency staff than necessary.


The Director confirmed that this is not the case, the only current agency member of staff is the interim Assistant Director - Pensions, due to the specialist nature of the role and subsequent recruitment process.



RESOLVED: Members noted, commented on and accepted the report.