Issue - meetings

Independent Adviser Appointments

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (Item 14)

Independent Adviser Appointments


The Director updated members with regard to the arrangements for the independent investment advice and independent advice to the Local Pension Board.


The Director requested an amendment is made the Ms Scott’s contract so that it ends on 30th April instead of 29th February as stated in the report before approval.




a.    Noted the changed circumstances of two of the Authority’s independent advisers resulting in a need to make further appointments.

b.    Agreed to the ending of Ms Devitt’s contract on 31st March 2024.

c.    Agreed to the extension of Mr Castledine’s current contract to 30th September 2026.

d.    Approved the arrangements at paragraph 5.7 to be made for the appointment of a further Independent Investment Adviser with an initial contract term ending in 2027.

e.    Approved the ending of Ms Scott’s contract on 30th April 2024.

f.     Approved the arrangements at paragraph 5.10 for the appointment of a replacement adviser to the Local Pension Board for an initial term of three years.