Decision details

To provide access to the South Yorkshire Pension Fund (LGPS) for Humankind Charity (Barnsley) by way of Admission Agreement, effective 01/07/2024.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Pensions

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To provide access to the South Yorkshire Pension Fund (LGPS) for Humankind Charity (Barnsley) by way of Admission Agreement, effective 01/07/2024.

Reasons for the decision:

Financial: This employer has been set up on a passthrough arrangement where the deficit and surplus remain with Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council.

HR: None.

ICT: None.

Procurement: None.

Alternative options considered:

Finance Signatory: GT

Finance Date: 13/01/2024

HR Signatory: SB

HR Date: 13/01/2024

Publication date: 13/01/2025