Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Local Pension Board
Thursday, 22nd April, 2021 10.00 am

  • Meeting of South Yorkshire Local Pension Board, Thursday 22nd April, 2021 10.00 am (Item 9.)


A report was submitted which gave an update on administration performance and issues for the period from 1st January 2021 to 31st March 2021.


Members noted that the content of the report was continually reviewed to ensure it was appropriate to support the scrutiny of the administration service and included information not provided previously.




The report contained a table detailing starters, leavers and vacancies for the period including commentary on the status of the vacancies.


In terms of sickness absence, this had reduced compared with the previous two quarters, much of it directly related to the fact that two staff previously absent long-term had returned to work.


In response to a question from N Gregory, J Bailey confirmed that at the moment it was planned for some staff to begin to return to the office in July, subject to government guidance.


Case Work Performance


The reporting of performance had been updated in order that members could more easily compare like-for-like periods.


It was noted that the volume of case work had improved slightly over the quarter but seemed to be at a plateau of what could be achieved whilst working from home.


The handling of death cases had now been incorporated into the report and showed that they continued to be dealt with extremely quickly, the handling of retirements was not as effective but was still within acceptable timescales.


With regard to the retrospective files from Rotherham MBC and the effect on joiners and leavers, J Bailey confirmed that the quality of monthly files received from Rotherham was now at acceptable levels.


Members thought it would be helpful with regard to all case work to include what was ‘normal’ or acceptable figures, e.g. in respect of unprocessed leavers, so that problem areas could be identified.


Statutory Disclosure Reporting


Reporting had been developed further in this area and Appendix A showed the Quarter 4 report for most of the areas covered under various disclosure regulations; this showed that statutory targets were generally being met in the main areas.  The reporting would be further developed to cover all areas.


Employer Performance


It was noted that the vast majority of employers had continued to provide the monthly returns despite the difficult circumstances.  A table within the report the current position of monthly returns received in respect of the last three months.


Individual Query Employer Reporting


Members were reminded that at the last Board meeting they had requested the reporting be updated to reflect the actual performance of key employers to that trends could be monitored.  Appendix B showed the performance in recent quarters for the employers or payroll providers with the highest volumes of queries. It was noted  that further development work was needed to provide more accurate reporting.


Appendix C gave a brief summary of some of the engagement activity undertaken during the quarter.


Customer Satisfaction


Satisfaction levels remained high.  A table in the report showed overall satisfaction levels from survey respondents who retired in November and December 2020 and January 2021.


Customer Centre


An electronic survey was issued to around 3,000 members who had contacted the Customer Centre by telephone during November and December 2020.  The results showed that 90% were satisfied with the service received. 


The feedback from the Live Chat facility showed that 94% were satisfied and feedback from email responses also showed high levels of satisfaction.


Online Portal


An exercise had been carried out to encourage all scheme members to sign up to use the online portal.  Appendix D showed the numbers who had registered since January 2019, these numbers were continuing to increase.


J Bailey agreed to supply N Gregory with the number of employees who had signed up for the portal since her employer had promoted its use.


Annual Benefit Statements


The template for the 2021 statement for active members had been drafted and was attached at Appendix F.


An internal working group was meeting fortnightly and reviewing all aspects of the Monthly Data Collection process and was focused on a number of key areas which were detailed within the report.  The group was proving successful with 78 employers already showing their active member records had been fully completed to the end of March 2021 ready for the ABS’s to be produced.


Production of the Annual Benefit Statements would commence in early May as would the issue of deferred statements.  J Bailey confirmed that the ABS process was on track.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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