Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 21st January, 2021 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Pensions Authority, Thursday 21st January, 2021 10.00 am (Item 8b)


A report was considered which presented the Authority’s budget proposals for 2021/22 for approval.


Members were informed that the overall aim of the budget process was to ensure the that the organisation’s financial resources and allocations were determined on the basis of supporting the achievement of the corporate aims and objectives set out in the Authority’s Corporate Strategy.


Members were reminded that the budget for 2020/21 was prepared on the basis of a detailed review of resource requirements in order to provide the required investment in a range of areas to support delivery of the Authority’s  corporate priorities.


As reported during the course of the year, the impact of Covid-19 had slowed some of the progress in these areas, therefore many of the priorities remained to be carried forward into 2021/22.


It was noted that the overall budget requirement was for a total of £5,445,600 representing a freeze in cash terms on the 2020/21 budget.  A table within the report provided an overall summary of the main changes proposed within the budgets for employee costs and running costs.


Members noted that there were currently two apprentices in post in Pensions Administration; in next year’s budget there was provision for an apprentice within Finance and Corporate Services and also one within the IT team.


Cllr Murphy requested information on the recruitment of apprentices and what equality and diversity processes were followed including age, gender etc.


G Taberner reported that the recruitment process was done in conjunction with the learning provider.  The Authority had an Equality and Diversity Strategy which was followed and had a HR Business Partner who ensured that all policies were followed.


J Bailey commented that the apprenticeship scheme was under the National Apprenticeship Arrangement which was for 16-24 year olds.


In terms of wider equality and diversity, there was more work to be done in terms of the diversity of the workforce.  The Authority was compliant with the rules but it was recognised that there was more that could be done in terms of encouraging applicants from more diverse backgrounds.

There were plans to engage with an equality and diversity organisation to provide training for all staff and to provide pointers as to where the Authority could widen the net in term of recruitment.


G Graham agreed and commented that the Authority also needed a workforce that was evenly distributed across all age ranges.  Although this had improved over the last few years, the average age of employees was around 45 which meant there was more work to do in this area.  It was also important that the Authority’s workforce reflected the diversity of scheme members.


The Authority had managed, in the last few years, to generate wider and better qualified interest in the vacancies that had been advertised and it was hoped to build on this.


Members were reminded that the funds in the Capital Projects were earmarked for the funding of projects including the Long Term Accommodation project, the replacement of Business Systems and for potential costs that would arise in relation to the Pensions Administration software.  It was expected that funds would be required from this reserve during 2021/22 but, as yet, the details of the amounts required and timing were uncertain and therefore this had not been included in the budget forecast for the earmarked reserves.  This would be kept under review and reported to the Authority for approval as required.


RESOLVED – That Members approve the 2021/22 budget for the Authority at a total of £5,445,600.

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