Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 15th June, 2017 10.15 am

  • Meeting of Ordinary Meeting, Pensions Authority, Thursday 15th June, 2017 10.15 am (Item 11.)


S Barrett gave a position statement on progress made with regard to LGPS pooling for new Members and an update on the current issues since the last meeting.


Following her attendance at the first meeting of the Border to Coast Pooling Partnership Joint Committee, the Chair confirmed that the amendment, supported by the Authority, regarding non-voting co-option had been included in the Constitution.


As agreed previously, the meeting with the Trades Union representatives ahead of each Joint Committee meeting would be arranged for the week before the meeting; the next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for 5 September 2017.


Cllr Sangar commented that a written update, rather than verbal, would be useful.  As a lot was happening in such a short time it would be useful to have something to refer to.


Cllr Wraith queried whether premises had been found for BCPP staff.


The Chair responded that a short list of approximately seven potential premises had been drawn up.  She, as Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee, would be inspecting the premises to ensure the suitability for any South Yorkshire staff who would be accommodated there.


Cllr Wraith queried whether the investment staff had all agreed to TUPE transfer and what the situation was with regard to staff who wouldn’t be transferring.


S Barrett replied that it was expected that the investment staff would decide for themselves; all would have the opportunity to transfer if they so wished.


With regard to the structural issues and what, if anything would need to remain in Barnsley, this was a separate process and had still to be decided.  Work was ongoing and would probably be finalised in the autumn.


A Frosdick updated Members on the situation regarding the Passenger Transport Pension Fund which would be transferring to the Greater Manchester Pension Fund in the near future, subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State.


Cllr Ellis confirmed that the Passenger Transport Pension Fund Committee had been involved in the process at all stages and were happy with the proposals.


G Boyington, Chair of the Joint Local Pension Board, commented that as the Board was a Joint Board with the Passenger Transport Pension Fund, the transfer would have implications for the Board’s Constitution as there was an employee and employer representative of the SYPTPF on the Local Pension Board.  A decision would have to be made as to whether to delete the two posts or substitute them for another employer and employee.


G Warwick queried whether Trades Union representatives were to be co-opted onto the Joint Committee or whether they would just be invited to the local pre-meeting.


S Ellis replied that this issue was being dealt with by one of the sub-committees; no decision had been made as yet.


G Warwick expressed his disappointment that Trades Union representatives were not allowed to participate in the governance of BCPP automatically.




(i)     That a written investment pooling report be submitted to each Authority meeting as necessary.


(ii)     That the report be noted.