Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Local Pension Board
Thursday, 18th January, 2018 12.00 pm

Venue: 18 Regent Street, Barnsley, S70 2HG

Contact: Gill Richards, Democratic Services Officer  Email: Tel: 01226 772806

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


G Boyington welcomed N Gregory to her inaugural meeting of the Board, and introductions were made.


Declarations of Interest






George Graham had recently been appointed as the substantive Fund Director, with effect from 12 February 2018.  Interviews for the appointment of Head of Pensions Administration would be held on 29 January 2018.


The Joint Authorities Governance Unit (JAGU) would relocate from 18 Regent Street, into Barnsley Town Hall on 23 January 2018.  It was envisaged that future Board meetings and all Joint Authority meetings would be hosted at Barnsley Town Hall; Members would be provided with parking permits in advance of the meetings.  M McCarthy assured Members that the relocation would not impact upon the meeting experience.


R Winter had been appointed as the Authority’s Data Protection Officer, and he would attend future Board meetings to provide support in relation to GDPR.


Minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2017 pdf icon PDF 59 KB


Members noted that a risk matrix would be included onto the Risk Register.


M McCarthy reported that the Authority’s insurance covered the Board with regard to public indemnity.  He would provide Members with written confirmation and the principle of terms via email.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


i)            Noted that a risk matrix would be included onto the Risk Register.


ii)           Would be provided with written confirmation that the Authority’s insurance covered the Board with regard to public indemnity, together with the principle of terms, via email.


iii)          Agreed that the minutes of the Board meeting held on 5 October 2017 be agreed as a correct record.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 41 KB


The Board considered its Work Programme to October 2018.




i)            Members noted that the Work Programme would be amended to indicate:-


i)  The review of the Annual Report and Accounts to be considered before final approval.


ii)   A learning and development report, to highlight the past and future training, to be presented to the Board meeting in March 2018.


iii)          Arrangements to be made to reschedule the July 2018 Board meeting to June 2018, to enable the earlier commencement of work on the Annual Governance Statement.


iv)         To ensure that R Winter, Data Protection Officer, was in attendance at the next Board meeting, following the significant changes made to GDPR.


v)          A report in relation to the Internal Audit Update to be presented to the Board meeting in March 2018.


Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 35 KB


Members were presented with the Board’s expenditure for quarter ending 31 December 2017.


RESOLVED – That Members noted the position.


Review of the Scheme's Administration Strategy pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Board was presented with a report to consult on the review of the Pensions Administration Strategy.  The proposed amendments had been accepted at the Authority meeting held today, where Members had made a suggestion that any subsequent changes arising from the consultation should be presented to the Authority meeting in March 2018, before full sign off.


The main factor behind the review of the Strategy Document had been the need to introduce the concept of monthly posting and data file submissions, along with the administration requirements for the new process.  Following a review of the document as a whole, a number of new items had been introduced and other items had been revised; financial penalties had been increased to further incentivise employers to meet the requirements of the Strategy.


Members noted that, as yet, no comments had been received following a six week consultation period on the revised Strategy with Employers, which had commenced on 1 January 2018 and had been launched at the Employers Forum and via EPIC.


RESOLVED – That Members were requested to provide G Chapman with any comments on the review of the Pensions Administration Strategy.


Breach Reporting


G Chapman informed Members of the intention that from April 2018 onwards, a breach reporting log would feature as a standard agenda item to future Board meetings, to enable Members to have full oversight of the information.  A draft breach reporting log would be presented to the next Board meeting.


J Thompson requested that the Work Programme be amended to reflect that the breach reporting log would become a standard agenda item.


RESOLVED – That the Board:-


i)            Received the update.


ii)           Noted that a draft breach reporting log would be presented to the next Board meeting.


iii)          Noted that the Work Programme be amended to reflect that a breach reporting log would feature as a standard agenda item to future Board meetings from April 2018 onwards.


GDPR Update


GDPR had been referenced at the Authority meeting held today, to assure Members that a comprehensive staff training exercise would be undertaken. 


The Joint Authorities Governance Unit (JAGU) would liaise with the districts to arrange the training over the next 2 to 3 months, to incorporate the Board and Authority Members, in order to avoid duplication and additional costs; to be extended to other outside bodies if considered appropriate.


Members would be provided with the information ascertained through the research on practical law, which referred to the key lines of enquiries, issues to be aware of from a governance perspective and general guidance notes.


G Boyington suggested that a training session be held regarding the governance arrangements and the Board’s responsibilities as principals rather than operatives.


S Ross highlighted the requirement for the Authority to ensure that the GDPR processes were compliant, before May 2018.


G Chapman referred to the major data mapping project that was underway; retention policies would start to be reviewed.  A number of Authority staff were now GDPR compliant certified.  A new secure email package had been purchased, links had been made with R Winter, the Data Protection Officer and the network had been tidied up completely.


G Chapman would continue to report to each Authority meeting prior to the launch.  The spring Newsletter, which would be despatched in April 2018, would cover the privacy issues.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


i)            Noted that a training session would be arranged over the next 2 to 3 months to incorporate Board and Authority Members, and the districts, to be extended to other outside bodies if considered appropriate.


ii)           To be provided with the information ascertained through the research on practical law.


Pooling Update pdf icon PDF 60 KB


A report was submitted to update the Board on the progress of pooling in the Border to Coast Pension Partnership (BCPP Ltd) and related matters.


Members noted that a report had been presented to the Authority meeting held today, in order to provide an overview of the key areas relating to BCPP Ltd; the Board would continue to be provided with updates.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


i)            Noted the report.


ii)           Considered the additional budgetary requests referred to therein:


i)     A one off increase of £75k requested for implementation set up costs, per partner Authority.


ii)   An ongoing share of the £30k budget proposed for the Joint Committee amounting to £2,500 per partner Authority.


Risk Register pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Authority’s Risk Register, noting that the scoring matrix and direction of travel arrows would be included.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


i)            Noted the Risk Register.


ii)           Noted that the Risk Register would be amended to include the scoring matrix and direction of travel arrows.


Any Other Business


G Boyington highlighted that the March 2018 Board meeting would mark the conclusion of Members’ third year in post.


Members had indicated a desire to continue in the role, with the exception of G Boyington.  Contact would be made with the Trades Unions and the employers, to seek confirmation for the nominated representatives to continue on the Board, or to otherwise make nominations.


J Thompson and G Berrett requested that an email be sent to their respective employers to indicate that they were keen to continue in their role on the Board, if their employer deemed it appropriate.


RESOLVED – That Members noted that contact would be made with the Trades Unions and the employers, to seek confirmation for the nominated representatives to continue on the Board, or to otherwise make nominations.