Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 19th June, 2014 10.00 am

Venue: offices of the South Yorkshire Joint Secretariat, 18 Regent Street, Barnsley

Contact: Gill Garrety, Democratic Services Officer  Email: Tel:01226 772806

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair of the Authority for the Ensuing Year


Cllr Wootton was proposed by Cllr Wraith and seconded by Cllr Rodgers. This was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED - That Cllr Wootton be elected as the Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Authority for the Ensuing Year


Cllr Wraith was proposed by Cllr Wootton and seconded by Cllr Butler. This was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED - That Cllr Wraith be elected Vice Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


Membership of the Authority


A report of the Clerk was submitted to note the membership of the membership of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


The membership was noted as:










M Stowe

R Wraith

E Butler

K Rodgers

J Wood

S Ellis

P Wootton

B Lodge

J Campbell

B Webster

L Rooney

A Sangar


The Chair asked that the Authority’s thanks to the councillors who have stood down from the Authority be recorded, especially Keith Goulty and David Baker who have served on the Authority for a significant time.


RESOLVED - That the report is noted.


Appointment of Boards, Committees and Chairs


A report of the Clerk was submitted requesting consideration of the appointment of Boards, Committee and Chairs for 2014/15 and asking Members to note the Boards and Committee’s Terms of Reference.


Membership was confirmed as follows:


Corporate Planning and Governance Board

Investment Board

Management Committee

7 Members

7 Members

Section 41 Members

Cllr Wraith (Chair)

Cllr Wootton (Vice Chair)

Cllr Ellis

Cllr Butler

Cllr Wood

Cllr Rooney

Cllr Lodge

+ 3 Trade Union representatives

Cllr Wootton (Chair)

Cllr Wraith (Vice Chair)

Cllr Campbell

Cllr Webster

Cllr Rodgers

Cllr Stowe

Cllr Sangar

+ 3 Trade Union representatives

Cllr Wootton (Chair)

- sub Cllr Ellis

Cllr Wraith (Vice Chair)

- sub Cllr Stowe

Cllr Lodge

- sub Cllr Campbell

Cllr Rodgers

- sub - Cllr Butler


RESOLVED - That the contents of the report are noted.


Questions in Meetings of District Councils


A report was received requesting Members consideration of the appointment of representatives of the Authority to answer questions raised in meetings of the District Councils and to feedback District Council pensions’ issues at each meeting of the Pensions Authority.


Appointments were noted as follows:





Barnsley MBC

Cllr Wraith

Cllr Stowe

Doncaster MBC

Cllr Rodgers

Cllr Butler

Rotherham MBC

Cllr Wootton

Cllr Ellis

Sheffield CC

Cllr Lodge

Cllr Campbell


RESOLVED - That the Authority nominates the above Members to answer questions at District Councils under Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1985.