Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 14th June, 2012 10.00 am

Venue: 18 Regent Street, Barnsley, S70 2HG

Contact: Gill Garrety  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair of the Authority for the Ensuing Year


RESOLVED – That Councillor M Lawton be elected Chair of the Authority for the ensuing municipal year.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Authority for the Ensuing Year


RESOLVED – That Councillor R Wraith be appointed Vice-Chair of the Authority for the ensuing municipal year.


Membership of the Authority pdf icon PDF 17 KB


A report of the Clerk and Treasurer was submitted, which reported on the membership of the Authority.


The current membership of the Authority was as follows:-



Councillors B Perrin and R Wraith


Councillors E Butler, B Ford and C McGuinness


Councillors K Goulty and P Wootton


Councillors D Baker, M Lawton, B Lodge, L Rooney and

A Sangar


Councillor Lawton expressed his thanks to the former Members of the Authority for their sterling work; and he also welcomed the new Members to the Authority.


RESOLVED – That the position be noted.


Authority Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


A report of the Clerk and Treasurer was submitted providing Members with options to consider regarding the rearrangement of Authority meeting structures and decision-making procedures.


The Authority had operated using different governance structures over the years, but none had proved to be wholly satisfactory.  The current arrangement was for the Authority to deal solely with strategic policy issues, and the two Boards to deal with the technical and detailed issues.  Members discussed in detail the various proposed options for the rearrangement of the meeting structure. 


Members commented that the agendas for the Boards tended to be too long, in comparison to the Authority agendas, and suggested agendas be split for greater focus.  Members suggested in order to utilise their time, training sessions be held on the same day as meetings.


Members requested officers to take away the suggestions raised; and for a meeting schedule to be produced with additional meeting dates, to incorporate presentations on investment issues or LGPS matters; to be brought to an additional meeting of the Authority on 26 July 2012.


RESOLVED – That an additional meeting of the Authority be held on 26 July 2012.


Appointments of Boards and Committees pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


A report of the Clerk and Treasurer was submitted, in order to consider the appointment of Boards, Committee and Chairs for 2012/13.


RESOLVED – That the following Boards and Committee be appointed for 2012/13.


Corporate Planning & Governance Board

Investment Board

Management Committee Section 41 Members

Councillor R Wraith (Chair)

Councillor M Lawton (Chair)

Councillor M Lawton (Chair)

Councillor D Baker

Councillor K Goulty

Councillor K Goulty

Councillor L Rooney

Councillor B Lodge

Councillor C McGuinness

Councillor E Butler

Councillor C McGuinness

Councillor R Wraith

Councillor R Ford

Councillor B Perrin


Councillor P Wootton

Councillor A Sangar


And 3 Trades Unions representatives

And 3 Trades Unions representatives




Amendments to Contract Standing Orders pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


A report of the Clerk and Treasurer was submitted to seek approval to proposed amendments to the Authority’s Contract Standing Orders.


In April 2012 Members were advised that officers intended to carry out a comprehensive review of the Authority’s Contract Standing Orders in due course. However, in the interim it had become clear that some clarification of the wording affecting professional contracts associated with investment property construction and refurbishment projects was necessary.


RESOLVED – That the Authority agreed to approve the amendments to the Authority’s Contract Standing Orders as follows:


i)        Re-wording of exemptions (CSO 5.3).

ii)        Re-wording of reporting requirements stemming from exemption changes (CSOs 5.3 and 11.2).


Questions in Meetings of the District Councils pdf icon PDF 19 KB


A report of the Clerk and Treasurer was submitted in order to consider the appointment of representatives of the Authority to answer questions raised in meetings of the District Councils and to feedback District Council pensions’ issues at each meeting of the Pensions Authority.


RESOLVED – That the Authority nominates the following Members to answer questions at District Councils under Section 41 of the Local Government Act, 1985 as follows:





Barnsley MBC

Councillor R Wraith

Councillor B Perrin

Doncaster MBC

Councillor C McGuinness

Councillor R Ford

Rotherham MBC

Councillor K Goulty

Councillor P Wootton

Sheffield CC

Councillor M Lawton

Councillor B Lodge