Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 9th June, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: offices of South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, 18 Regent Street, Barnsley, S70 2HG

Contact: Gill Richards, Democratic Services Officer  Email: Tel:01226 772806

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair for the Ensuing Year


Councillor Ellis was proposed and seconded as the Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


Councillor Ellis thanked Members for their attendance at the Authority and extraordinary meetings held over the last year, together with their friendship and support given to her within capacity of Chair.  In particular, she thanked Councillor Wraith as Vice-Chair, for providing her with the context and history of the Authority to enable her to fulfil her role.


RESOLVED – That Councillor Ellis be elected as the Chair of the Authority for the ensuing year.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair for the Ensuing Year


Councillor Stowe was proposed and seconded as the Vice-Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


RESOLVED – That Councillor Stowe be elected as the Vice-Chair of the Authority for the ensuing year.


Membership of the Authority pdf icon PDF 45 KB


A report of the Clerk was submitted to report on the membership of the Authority.


The current membership was noted:-










M Stowe

R Wraith


E Butler

K Rodgers (to 16.06.16)

J McHale (from 17.06.16)

J Wood

S Ellis

K Wyatt

M Maroof

H Mirfin-Boukouris

A Sangar

Z Sykes

P Wood



M McCarthy welcomed the new Members to the meeting.  It was noted that Councillor McHale was now officially a Member of the Authority, following the receipt of Councillor Rodgers’ letter of resignation.


Councillor Wraith requested that a letter of appreciation be sent on behalf of the Authority to Councillor Rodgers, who had been a very able and capable Member.


Councillor Ellis commented that she would send letters of appreciation to the outgoing Members on behalf of the Authority.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Questions in Meetings of the District Councils pdf icon PDF 48 KB


A report of the Clerk was submitted to consider the appointment of representatives of the Authority to answer questions raised in meetings of the District Councils and to feedback District Council pensions issues at each meeting of the Pensions Authority.


Membership was confirmed as follows:-





Barnsley MBC

Councillor M Stowe

Councillor R Wraith

Doncaster MBC

Councillor J McHale

Councillor E Butler

Rotherham MBC

Councillor S Ellis

Councillor K Wyatt

Sheffield CC

Councillor P Wood

Councillor Z Sykes


RESOLVED – That Members agreed the Section 41 membership.


Appointment of Boards, Committee and Chairs pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


A report of the Clerk was presented to consider the appointment of Boards, Committee and Chairs for 2016/17.


Membership was confirmed as follows:-


Corporate Planning & Governance Board

Investment Board

Management Committee


7 members

7 members

Section 41 members

Councillor M Stowe


Councillor Sue Ellis


Councillor Sue Ellis  (Chair)

Sub: Councillor K Wyatt

Councillor S Ellis


Councillor M Stowe (Vice-Chair)

Councillor M Stowe


Sub: Councillor R Wraith

Councillor E Butler

Councillor A Sangar

Councillor P Wood

Sub: Councillor Z Sykes

Councillor H Mirfin-Boukouris

Councillor R Wraith

Councillor J McHale

Sub:  Councillor E Butler

Councillor J Wood

Councillor P Wood


Councillor K Wyatt

Councillor M Maroof


Councillor Z Sykes

Councillor J McHale


And three trades unions representatives

And three trades unions representatives



RESOLVED – That Members agreed:-


i)            The Terms of Reference and membership of the Boards and Management Committee and their Chairs for 2016/17.


ii)           That Councillor Sangar would be the Lead Member for training and development for 2016/17.