Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 9th June, 2011 10.00 am

Venue: offices of the South Yorkshire Joint Secretariat, 18 Regent Street, Barnsley

Contact: Gill Garrety  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair of the Authority for the ensuing year.


RESOLVED – That Councillor M Lawton be elected Chair of the Authority for the ensuing municipal year.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Authority for the ensuing year.


RESOLVED – That Councillor R Wraith be elected Vice-Chair of the Authority for the ensuing municipal year.


Membership of the Authority.


The Clerk and Treasurer reported that the membership of the Authority as at the date of the meeting was as follows:



Councillors B Perrin and R Wraith


Councillors E Butler, R Ford and B Johnson


Councillors K Goulty and P Wootton


Councillors D Baker, D Barker, T Hussain,

M Lawton and A Sangar


RESOLVED – That the position be noted.


Questions in Meetings of the District Councils.


The Authority considered the appointment of members to answer questions raised in meetings of the District Councils and to feedback District Councils pensions issues at each meeting of the Pensions Authority.


RESOLVED – That the Authority nominates the following members to answer questions at District Councils under Section 41 of the Local Government Act, 1985 as follows:





Barnsley MBC

Councillor R Wraith

Councillor B Perrin

Doncaster MBC

Councillor B Johnson

Councillor R Ford

Rotherham MBC

Councillor K Goulty

Councillor P Wootton

Sheffield MBC

Councillor M Lawton

Councillor D Barker



Appointment of Boards and Committees.


The Authority considered the appointment of Boards and Committees for 2011/12, including their memberships and terms of reference.


RESOLVED – That the following Boards and Committee be appointed for 2011/12 including their memberships and the terms of reference set out below.


Corporate Planning & Governance Board

Investment Board

Management Committee

Councillor R Wraith


Councillor M Lawton


Councillor M Lawton


Councillor D Baker

Councillor T Hussain

Councillor B Johnson

Councillor R Ford

Councillor A Sangar

Councillor R Wraith

Councillor E Butler

Councillor B Johnson

Councillor K Goulty

Councillor D Barker

Councillor B Perrin


Councillor P Wootton

Councillor K Goulty


And 3 trades unions representatives

And 3 trades unions representatives