Meeting documents

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Thursday, 7th June, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Town Hall, Barnsley, S70 2TA

Contact: Gill Richards  Email: Tel:01226 772806

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair for the Ensuing Year


RESOLVED – That Councillor Sue Ellis be appointed as Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair for the Ensuing Year


RESOLVED – That Councillor Mick Stowe be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Authority for the forthcoming year.


Membership of the Authority pdf icon PDF 44 KB


A report of the Clerk on the membership of the Authority was presented.  The current membership was noted as:-










M Stowe

R Wraith



S Durant

J Mounsey

S Cox


S Ellis

K Wyatt

A Bainbridge

A Hurst

A Sangar

I Saunders

A Teal


Councillor Ellis expressed her gratitude to Councillors Harpham, Sykes, Hussain and Richardson, who had served on the Authority during the 2017-18 municipal year; a letter of thanks would be sent to those Members on behalf of the Authority.  Councillor Ellis welcomed Councillor Stowe back onto the Authority, together with Councillors Bainbridge, Hurst and Teal.  She thanked Councillor Wraith for the invaluable experience that he had provided as Vice-Chair to the Authority during the 2017-18 municipal year.


RESOLVED – That Members noted:-


i)            The contents of the report.


ii)           A letter of thanks would be sent on behalf of the Authority to Councillors Harpham, Sykes, Hussain and Richardson, who had served on the Authority during the 2017-18 municipal year.


Questions in Meetings of District Councils pdf icon PDF 48 KB


A report of the Clerk was submitted to consider the appointment of representatives of the Authority to answer questions raised in meetings of the District Councils and to feedback District Council pension issues at each meeting of the Pensions Authority.


The appointments and substitutes for 2018/19 were noted as follows:-






Barnsley MBC

Cllr M Stowe

Cllr R Wraith

Doncaster MBC

Cllr J Mounsey

Cllr S Durant

Rotherham MBC

Cllr S Ellis

Cllr K Wyatt

Sheffield CC

Cllr I Saunders



It was decided, as not all of the Sheffield City Council Members were in attendance, that the appointment of a Section 41 substitute Member would be notified to the next Authority meeting.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


(i)     Agreed the Section 41 appointments to the Authority, as detailed above.


(ii)    Noted that the appointment of a Sheffield City Council Section 41 substitute Member would be notified to the next Authority meeting.


Appointment of Board and Committees pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


A report of the Clerk was presented to consider the appointment of Boards, Committee and Chairs for 2018/19.


Membership was confirmed as:-


Corporate Planning & Governance Board

Investment Board

Management Committee


7 members

7 members

Section 41 Members

Cllr M Stowe


Cllr S Ellis


Cllr M Stowe

Cllr R Wraith (Sub)

Cllr S Ellis


Cllr M Stowe


Cllr J Mounsey

Cllr S Durant (Sub)

Cllr S Durant

Cllr S Cox

Cllr S Ellis

Cllr K Wyatt (Sub)

Cllr A Hurst


Cllr I Saunders

Vacancy (Sub)

Cllr A Bainbridge

Cllr J Mounsey



Cllr A Sangar


Cllr K Wyatt

Cllr I Saunders


And three trades unions representatives

And three trades unions representatives



Nominations were received for Councillors Teal or Wraith to be appointed onto the Investment Board.  Councillor Ellis suggested that the matter be left in abeyance, whilst A Frosdick consulted relevant Members further.  Members endorsed the principle that due consideration be given to the need for representation on the Investment Board to reflect the political proportionality of the membership of the Authority.  The outstanding vacancy on the Investment Board and the Corporate Planning and Governance Board would be determined in due course in the light of that further consultation and if necessary the issue would be considered further by the Authority at its next meeting.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


i)            Agreed the Terms of Reference and membership of the Boards and Management Committee and their Chairs for 2018/19.


ii)           That there be further consultations with relevant members having due regard to the principle of political proportionality in relation to the vacancy on the Investment Board.


iii)          Noted that the outstanding vacancy on the Investment Board and the Corporate Planning and Governance Board would be determined in due course.